Bloom Counseling + Wellness Studio offers services including: Pregnancy & Postpartum Counseling, Pregnancy & Neonatal Loss Support, Infertility Support, Nutritional Services, Lactation Consultations, Jin Shin Jyutsu, Reiki, Integrative Imagery, Mom Groups and Classes + Workshops.
The therapists at Bloom have specializing training in counseling for pregnancy and postpartum mood and anxiety disorders including postpartum depression, postpartum anxiety, postpartum OCD and postpartum PTSD. Counselors also offer therapy for clients struggling with a wide range of concerns including:
– Birth trauma
-Parenting struggles
-Family of origin issues
-Grief and loss
-Low self-esteem
-Relationship difficulties
-Domestic violence
Call us today at 502-303-2449 for a free phone consultation to see how counseling may benefit you.

Symptoms of a pregnancy or postpartum mood disorder can start at any time during pregnancy or the first year postpartum and may include:
• Feeling overwhelmed, worried or panicky
• Feeling irritable or anger towards the people you care about
• Feeling sad, tearful or hopeless
• Persistent feelings that you’re not a good mom
• Wondering if you should feel more of a bond with your baby
• Difficulty sleeping because you can’t “shut your brain off”
• Feeling numb or empty and wondering if you’ll ever feel like your “old self” again
The “Baby Blues” is NOT the same as postpartum depression or postpartum anxiety. Baby blues typically begin within days of childbirth or adoption and resolve on their own within two weeks. If you are experiencing any of these symptoms and they last longer than two weeks you may have a postpartum mood disorder.